Hey Ya'll! I know I know.....it has been a LONG time, I shouldn't have left you :) But the summer has been incredibly busy and I just haven't felt like writing. But that's not to say that I didn't learn anything or have mind blowing revelations, I just didn't know how or wasn't ready to reveal them to you yet. But after seeing Beyonce, Maze & Bobby Rush in concert(not at the same time), getting turnt up at Mam-Maw's 80th birthday party, the Harper Family Reunion and a girlfriends getaway in Charleston, S.C. I have several questions......Of course I have my own opinions, but I want to know what ya'll think too......all 4 of you :) LOL!
1. Is God trying to tell me to take one of these old men up? I mean, what else could it be? Now I have known since age 20 that old men LOVE me, and have come to accept it, but to say it's my destiny.....that's too much. But I believe God is trying to tell me something, and I hope I am not hearing him correctly. Let me explain to you why; I have countless stories of being in situations where the oldest guy in the room will find me and follow me and approach me but it has become more intensified lately. In the past 30 days, my ratio of age appropriate advances to older gentlemen is 0 to 5. 0 to 5. I had a man who sat beside me on the plane tell me he was hoping he would get to sit next to me and that he wishes he could come back to Charlotte and take me out, and that he would drop me off at my hotel in Memphis and that he would drive up and take me golfing. Did I mention he was 62???
2. Have you noticed how guys are very comfortable with asking other guys about girls but girls are careful in asking other girls about guys? Let me explain; A group of people can get together and bring friends and mingle. Guys have no problem with asking another guy at the scene "What's up with ole girl?" "Is that you?" "Know anything about the thick one?" and other questions to find out if it's safe to approach her or just to get a little background info. Where as with ladies, or at least my friends, will never ask about a guy at the scene. Why do you think that is? I believe it's because we think by asking about him we may be starting a competition with another girl, or that some one will take the question out of proportion.
3. Do you ever think that you live in an alternate universe? For example, I don't really think I have haters. If I do, they are really quiet but if I read the trends and posts on IG and FB, haters are at an all time high. And everyone has them. Am I missing something? Same thing with men bashing. I may read the occasional FB post tirade about "ain't no good men" and blah, blah, blah, but it's definitely the minority. But if I listen to some comments, this is all you hear women talk about. Who does this? And side chicks? When did they become the new phenomenon to hate on? Who do you know that purposely became a side chick? I feel the same way about women only looking for men $$, women who constantly gossip and spread rumors about their girls, and abrasive dudes.......I mean I KNOW it happens, I hear to many stories about it but it doesn't seem to be normal in my life or group. ??
4. Is it ok that I don't believe in visiting folks in jail? I mean if it was an immediate family member like mom or dad or child, then I would. But cousins, aunts, uncles, old friends....nah. If you wanted to see me you wouldn't have gotten locked up. I guess I might bend depending on the circumstances....but if it's some foolishness.....see you when you get out!! Am I wrong for this? You have to allocate a WHOLE day to see some one in jail, for only a short visit....chile puh-lease!!
5. Has anyone else had the revelation (it happened within the last yr or so.......believe its one of life's over 30 lessons) that you will not restrain yourself so others won't pre-judge you or feel uncomfortable around you? Now I'm not saying to purposefully make others feel out of place, but I'm DONE with not being authentic because of your stereotypes or insecurities. Yes, I like to eat there, it's one of my favorite restaurants. Never asked you to take me there so don't give me the LOOK when I say I like Del Frisco's and Dresslers. I also like hole in the wall Mexican and seafood spots. But I'm not going to act like I don't know about or enjoy nice spots because you think it's putting on airs. Whatever!! And yes, that's a Kate, or a Tory, or an MK. Again, NEVER asked you to support any of my habits so no need to worry about it. I also am an Old Navy and Francessca's FIEND and visit at least twice a month. So if you want to put a label on me before you even get to know me, that's okay with me now. I'm still going to get to know you on a personal level and treat you with kindness and respect. How you feel about me is on you. LOL! And in the past, the weirdest things would get me "classified"...........that I live in Ballantyne, that I have an MBA, that I'm an AKA. Ok, ok......I understand the AKA part :)
6. Will anyone join SA - Shopaholics Anonymous with me if I charter it? I may have a problem. I LOVE shopping a good sale. If it's over 50% off and at one of my favorite stores, you can be assured I'm at least going to LOOK to see if there's something I like. Now I'm not so bad that I have a shopping debt or not paying bills, but I could very well give more to help people, get aggressive in the stock market, save up for a personal car if "THE MAN" acts up or "the REVOLUTION" comes......
7. Who is taking me to their Homecoming weekend? No, I'm serious, I wanna go. My alma mater XU doesn't have a football team so Homecoming is really for the students and significant anniversaries. I guess I could go to Tennessee's homecoming since I did graduate from there as well, but it's not the same.
8. How many break up speeches did you hear before you actually ended it? And what I mean by break up speeches are the significant moments that you ignored that let you know he or she wasn't the one for you. This has become my new line.......watch out, may have a blog about it soon. LOL
9. Why did ABC feel the need to break down the science of twerking? Really? And why were we so appalled at Miley Cyrus twerking? I was appalled that she had on sagging booty shorts, sounded and looked awful, and completely made a fool of herself.......twerking was just a side effect. Many other artists have twerked on that stage and we have said nary a word. Is it because it's Hannah Montana?
10. Why is being bougie considered by most to be a bad thing? LOL! I say this with comedic intent. I consider myself bougie and wave my flag up high. I like nice things, to stay in nice hotels, to read about the lifestyles of the rich and famous. But I don't think I'm "too good" for anything.