Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I hate going to the gym in is waaay too packed.  Filled with people who have made new year's resolutions to work out more and lose weight.  You can never get on the machine you want and there are a lot of lollygaggers.  By February it calms down and all is back to normal.  Not that I am against people making resolutions to get back in the gym, it just makes my time in there longer which I am totally against.  I don't like to spend a second longer than necessary in the gym.  Sooo many other places I would rather be.  
A few years ago I made my resolution to work out on a consistent basis, and i have kept that up pretty good :)  Yay me!  Now I need to take it up a notch.  This year I need to get more serious about my cardio.....and committ to 4 hrs a week.  I need some help on keeping me accountable........I hate cardio :(
I also resolve to become more than financially active in my sorority.  I will join some committees and give service to mankind.  I resolve to keep in better contact with loved ones........even if its just a text or quick email.  We are not promised tomorrow so let's cherish each other while we can.  And last but not least, I will not get my priorities confused with my options  :)  Concentrate and focus on what is best for ME, and whateva for the rest!

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