Ok, this is too good not to blog about. So here goes my update. I usually try to protect the innocent on my blogs, but only 2 to 3 people are reading this so who cares : )
Ok, so during CIAA I met this guy who asked for my phone number. Very rarely do men under the age of 50 even speak to me when I go out, and his approach was very respectable and nice so I gave him my number. I didn't really get a chance to look at him, because I was very ladylike dancing and backing it up, so I didn't see his face. He called the next week and we conversed for a bit and he seems like a nice fellow. We met up for lunch a little while later and he still seemed nice & normal. No sparks or anything, but I wasn't scared or bored to death either. One of the topics we talked about were my "rules" for dating. Yes, I have a few guidelines/rules for simple dating just to weed out big time trouble makers(married men, fiends,etc....) Here are the only 2 that I shared:
We go on 3 planned, confirmed dates before any "house" dates
I have to see & go inside your house before you know my address
He even commented how simple they were. Fast forward 2 months later and he has been trying EXTRA hard to get to my house, LOL! "I know we were supposed to go to dinner tonight but I got caught up at work. How about I come by your house and make you dinner?" or "You like movies too, why don't I bring over a couple to your house and we have a marathon viewing?" and my fav "I think if you were really feeling me like I'm feeling you, I could bypass the 3 dates rule" Ummm, I think if you really wanted to see me, you would set aside some time and make sure I set aside some time and make a date. Seriously...... outside of that first lunch, no confirmed plans have been made. And when I say confirmed, I mean planning on date and time ahead, not calling and saying "wanna go grab something to eat?" No, I don't. I'm nobody's back up plan, male or female. In case we already cool and I want to go :) but you know what I mean. Now honestly, I wasn't feelin him like that, but he seemed cool and would have definitely hung out with him again. I don't know too many dudes, so we could have been cool. But now I think I'm just tired. Stop calling me with lines and excuses, just be real.
So onto another subject that this has me thinking about, what is my type? It has been a while since some one has piqued my interest.....am I weird? time to do some more self analysis : )
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