Hoes be winning........It definitely seems that way sometimes. I read an article in a fairly respectable publication that said 2011 was the "Year of the Hoe". They had a great year. I surely heard all thru 2011 that "hoes be winning" and witnessed this phenomenon with my own eyes. Which caused me to ponder two crucial questions: If hoes are winning, who is losing? and What are hoes doing to win?
So let's break this down.....
First, what do we mean by "hoes be winning?" The simplest way I can break it down to everyday terms is this: when you see the girl who has a tried and true reputation of sleeping with numerous men, dressing a tad bit inappropriately and not always acting in a ladylike manner, gets in a RELATIONSHIP with a GOOD guy. THAT'S "hoes be winning." For all my ladies out there, I know what you start thinking.....believe me, I have done it too. You say, "she's cool and all, but a RELATIONSHIP? REALLY?" You start to question everything you have been taught in life. Clearly, it's the end days. And I am not saying that just because a woman has had several sexual partners and wears tight clothes that she is not worthy of a good relationship with a good guy. It's just that I have been taught since I was a wee girl that men don't like those type of girls for long. They may have fun with them but they won't commit to them. They are not going to take that type of girl out in public. So when I started to see this happen on more than one occasion I started to agree that "hoes be winning"
So if hoes are winning, then who is losing?
Interesting question.....the obvious answer is single independent women. But let's narrow and focus down just a bit. The biggest losers are the women who intentionally go places specifically trying to meet men and have no luck. They still wind up spending Saturday night with the girls and lamenting on FB and twitter about how special they are and complaining that there are no good guys out there and getting WAAAAYYY to excited about the possibility of a lunch date. NOW, I'm not calling them lonely heffas or nothing.......I'm just saying. LOL!
So what are hoes doing to win?
Great question.....the obvious answer is easy access to the goodies. But again, let's narrow and focus down a bit. The real answer is they have a cost for entry. Now do not get me wrong, I am not talking about prostitution or gold diggers, I mean a set list of requirements for her to even entertain the idea of getting with some one. Novel concept ain't it :) SHE MAKES A BARTER. If she wants to go out on a date, she doesn't fidget or pause about asking him to do so....if he wants to continue to spend time with her, he will. If not, she has other options and will keep it moving. No love lost.
So what's the BIG difference?
The big difference is that the "loser" is so afraid of losing the she doesn't even put herself in a position to win. She wants to look available but not desperate, sexy but not slutty, classy but not bougie, valuable but not high maintenance. That's a LOT of work. Whereas hoes believe they can get what they want. Now I'm not saying to adopt a hoes value system, but adopting a TRUE mindset of asking for what you want. Because I have learned, whether I say it out loud or not, I STILL want it. And I only end up disappointed and upset if I don't get it. So I either have to stop wanting it, or ask for it.
By the way, I don't know what I'm talking about half the time so take my rambling with a grain of salt. I haven't had a man since Skip was a pup. LOL
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