Yep, I have FINALLY said it out loud. IT'S JUST HAIR!!! I don't get the big deal. Now hear me out, hear me out. I applaud and support the natural movement, the healthy hair movement, etc.... And you have every right to be proud and wear your t-shirts and use your hashtags; they are cute and I enjoy them! But here is what I mean when I say it's just hair. It does not define me nor my beauty nor self's just hair. I applaud and encourage those ladies who go natural to embrace their natural beauty, or are trying to attain healthy hair. That's cool, do YOU! On the same hand, I applaud and encourage those ladies who wear weaves and wigs to achieve different looks or who want an easy maintenance style. That's cool, do YOU! The worrisome part is the battle between the two....LOL!
I have read blogs and comments where #TeamNatural will degrade and condemn those with relaxed hair stating that they hate themselves and need poison to feel beautiful and wear all this weave......huh? And on the flip side, I have seen the other side rage against #TeamNatural and state they are not combing their hair and claiming everyone doesn't look good natural.....huh? Why must your pride and preference for one make you degrade the other? I know we all have our personal reasons for how and why we style our hair in certain ways and each face our own frustrations and exasperation, but I don't see the point in tearing down the other. If you want to educate others on why you choose your certain style and rave about the benefits and versatility, then great. We could all learn from that. But to spend time condemning the other..........????
And why has this bothered me? Because as black women we have so much more to worry about in our community and our public perception that THIS should NOT be the most prevalent topic of interest.....and definitely not divide us. Straight, braided or natural, the "white" community doesn't completely understand our hair anyway so this battle is just between us. I think we would be better served to uplift and support each other, regardless of hairstyle, because in the's just hair.
Why do I say it's just hair.....because there are many women battling cancer or alopecia or other diseases and couldn't give a rat's tail about what's growing out of their scalp...but are concentrating on their health
Why do I say it's just hair.....because hair is a main component of why black women don't exercise
Why do I say it's just hair.....because you buy any kind of hair you want
Why do I say it's just hair..... because it doesn't make you a better or worse person
Why do I say it's just hair.....because in case you have a condition, it grows back
Why do I say it's just hair.....because it's YOUR head
Now, if we would jump on this bandwagon of health,diet and nutrition, or education, or empowering other women, forcing the media to portray positive examples........then we would have something going : )
By the way, huge kudos to BGR (Black Girls Run), National Coalition 100 Black Men and National Coalition of100 Black Women, National Urban League, Mocha Moms, Greek Fraternities and Sororities and all other organizations that work hard everyday to improve, educate and uplift their communities. And another huge kudos goes out to journalists and media groups who fairly represent all classes and races. We see you and appreciate you.
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