Last night I was up reading a book until the wee hours of the morning.......I knew I should have been asleep, but the book had captured me and I had to find out what happened. Fully realizing that the book would be there the next day and read the same way, I still couldn't put it down. I then started thinking about how I have been in this situation before, with the Twilight series, Video Vixen, The Coldest Winter Ever and a few others. I distinctly remember one night at 2:15 am, and I had a sales appointment at 10:00 am, but I was still up reading about a teenage/vampire love affair. smh Should have been and still should be ashamed, but I'm not. Which leads me to today's blog posting, a few things I should be ashamed of about myself, but I'm not. Please don't judge me.
1. I should be ashamed that it's taking me 3 months to get my closet in working order, and that I could only sleep on half of my bed because of all the stuff I took out, but I'm not. (got to do better)
2. I should be ashamed that I have a company car and all car washes are paid for, but on avg. I only get my car washed every 2 months, but I'm not. (now this is just sad)
3. I should be ashamed that my dog and I are the only beings in the house and we live in 2 rooms, but I have a housekeeper who comes 1 to 2 times a month, but I'm not. ($90 well spent, I'd rather do something else with my time)
4. I should be ashamed that I purposefully get to church late to avoid the praise and worship service, but I'm not. ( I'm good for one or 2 songs, not an entire concert)
5. I should be ashamed of how I talk to my dog on occasions, but I'm not. (get out my face, hope I won't ever say that to kids)
6. I should be ashamed of the nicknames I have for some people, but I'm not. (from Sanford & Son, to Reg)
7. I should be ashamed of my eating habits, but I'm not. (i have some weird cravings and schedule)
8. I should be ashamed of some of my shoes, but I'm not. (really hot pink heels, pink& grey& purple pumps)
9. I should be ashamed of my junk reality tv obsession, but I'm not
I10. should be ashamed for losing the get low contest to Tonja, Kimberliegh and Chris, but I'm not. (actually, I am a little shame about that, i gotta practice)
11. I should be ashamed at how much I am on twitter during the day, but I'm not. (hey, its my entertainment. could be doing a lot worse)
12. I should be ashamed of my country ways, but I'm not. (it's who I am, i don't like shoes, say ya'll & git & finna, you can't understand a THING i say when I get very sad or very happy. it all comes out)
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