OK folks out there in blog land, can I tell you about how embarrassed I was at my family reunion this past weekend? And it's all my fault. So every year, the opening day is registration and meet & greet. Come as you are and fellowship b/c everybody is just getting off the road. Well this year things were different. And of course I did not read my package, but to be fair to myself, the package did not go into detail. This year the meet & greet was a reception with a dais, and an emcee and keynote speaker and the mayor of Tuskegee!!! I was soooo inappropriately dressed. I had on a tank top and short old navy skirt....not reception attire. I was not the only one though, so it made me feel a little better.
"I am not my hair" Profound revelation I had last week. It all started when Sunday morning I awoke to extremely dry legs, lips and face. I didn't know what was going on with me. I became extremely worried when I washed my hair and found several areas of breakage that were not there the week before. I went into a slight panic attack. My first thought was that all my hair was falling out, I was going to be bald headed. I went into a tailspin trying to figure out how this happened, what did I do, what am I going to do, how can i go out in public? After a few phone calls and putting 2 and 2 together I realized that some new medication I was taking was making me very dry. Therefore causing dry skin and scalp. The hair breakage was from extreme dryness. So now that I had a reason, I stopped being worried and became vain. Ugh, I am too dark to be ashy and worst of all, MY HAIR. How can I style this? Boo hoo hoo I'm bald. I honestly went thru this for several hours until it dawned on me, why are you being so over dramatic?? It's just hair and it will grow back. OK, so you have some bad breakage, you are NOT bald, just a little thin on the right side. BIG DEAL! In 2 months, it will be back to normal, why is this such a big deal? I started to think of people with alopecia and hereditary baldness and people who have undergone chemotherapy........and I'm crying over a small med side effect. Am I serious? I somehow felt my beauty would be diminished and even non existent because of this occurrence. I had to remind myself that I AM THE SOLE SOURCE OF MY CONFIDENCE!!!! And regardless of what my hair looks like, I am beautiful and I am worthy. Now I am not saying that I don't care about my outward appearance, I most definitely do. And I do things to "decorate" myself to make me feel pretty :) But that does not define who I am nor does it dictate my beauty.
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