Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Break Babies

Hey Y'all :)...........all three of y'all. LOL! Guess what? I'm back!! I know it's been a while but the inspiration has to hit me to blog and I've just been empty lately. This winter has just been so COLD...just disrespectful. But Spring is trying to peep around the corner and the fever has hit.....I'm ready to write.

Today I want to chat with you about break babies. This topic has been top of mind for me since Dwayne Wade and Ludacris just announced their break babies a few months ago. Let me explain what a break baby is for those of you that may be new to the term. A break baby is the baby that is conceived with another partner when a couple goes on "break". I guess we need to define what "break" is too.......

But to define break is more difficult, at least for me. Generally speaking, if you ask a woman what a break is, she would tell you that it is a time of reflection to decide and evaluate where a relationship is going, etc, etc, etc. (insert confused face here) Now, generally speaking, if you ask a guy what a break is, he would tell you that he is single....PERIOD. It ain't no reflection time, no figuring out feelings, none of that. He is single. So the first issue with taking a "break" from a relationship is that there is a possibility of the parties having a different interpretation of what this break means. Which leads to the second issue: when a girl goes on a "break" or arrives at the end of a relationship, she buys ice cream, calls up her girlfriend(s) and has an emotional catharsis. She is not thinking about other guys...she needs time to heal or time to think or time to do whatever it is that we do. LOL. She just can't handle dealing with another guy until she is sure about her feelings, and has had closure, or tried to reconcile. But it seems to be different for the guy......he's just single. And the biggest advantage to being single is this: he gets to sleep with whomever he wants. PERIOD. So while we're lamenting and crying and being all emotional, he's being single. It's probably been a while since he tried something new. LOL.

So that's how these "break babies" come into play. i.e. Luda and DWade. And while we say what we would and wouldn't do if that happened to us, it really doesn't matter. To each his own. The more interesting spin to me is; what if the woman had a break baby? Would DWade still be around if Gabby turned up pregnant from "break"? Even better still, would Tyrone take me back if he suspected that during our "break" I exercised my single card? And again, I'm generally speaking, but the answer is probably not.

So why go on break? Why do we women feel the need to do this? I think what we are saying is that we need time to figure out if this is really right for us and where do we want this relationship to go, blah, blah, blah. LOL. And I think that time of reflection is healthy and needed. I am a deeply introspective person and have all kinds of random revelations. And I think men do the same, except in a different way. We HAVE to talk about it...they don't. Do you think there is a way we can do this without going on "break"? Has some one ever went on "break" with you and didn't even tell you? I think this happens a LOT......LOL. You know it does......he doesn't call as much, he doesn't spend any prime time with you, the aggravated voice, the broken promises, etc... And this may be a completely different blog topic, but dudes are good for keeping you around, even when they KNOW they aren't feeling you like that anymore. Just no need to get rid of the benefits until something better comes around...anyway, that's another time :)

No grand insight today or words of wisdom or top 10 list, just random thoughts and musings to ponder and discuss amongst friends :) Chat with ya soon!

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