Friday, April 29, 2011

Stop Playing, You're Married........or you have a live-in girlfriend.....or you only want sumthin

Ok, this is too good not to blog about.  So here goes my update.  I usually try to protect the innocent on my blogs, but only 2 to 3 people are reading this so who cares : )

Ok, so during CIAA I met this guy who asked for my phone number.  Very rarely do men under the age of 50 even speak to me when I go out, and his approach was very respectable and nice so I gave him my number.  I didn't really get a chance to look at him, because I was very ladylike dancing and backing it up, so I didn't see his face.  He called the next week and we conversed for a bit and he seems like a nice fellow.  We met up for lunch a little while later and he still seemed nice & normal.  No sparks or anything, but I wasn't scared or bored to death either.  One of the topics we talked about were my "rules" for dating.  Yes, I have a few guidelines/rules for simple dating just to weed out big time trouble makers(married men, fiends,etc....)  Here are the only 2 that I shared:

We go on 3 planned, confirmed dates before any "house" dates
I have to see & go inside your house before you know my address

He even commented how simple they were.  Fast forward 2 months later and he has been trying EXTRA hard to get to my house, LOL!  "I know we were supposed to go to dinner tonight but I got caught up at work.  How about I come by your house and make you dinner?"  or "You like movies too, why don't I bring over a couple to your house and we have a marathon viewing?" and my fav "I think if you were really feeling me like I'm feeling you, I could bypass the 3 dates rule"  Ummm, I think if you really wanted to see me, you would set aside some time and make sure I set aside some time and make a date.  Seriously...... outside of that first lunch, no confirmed plans have been made.  And when I say confirmed, I mean planning on date and time ahead, not calling and saying "wanna go grab something to eat?"  No, I don't.  I'm nobody's back up plan, male or female.  In case we already cool and I want to go  :) but you  know what I mean.  Now honestly, I wasn't feelin him like that, but he seemed cool and would have definitely hung out with him again.  I don't know too many dudes, so we could have been cool.  But now I think I'm just tired.  Stop calling me with lines and excuses, just be real. 

So onto another subject that this has me thinking about, what is my type?  It has been a while since some one has piqued my I weird?  time to do some more self analysis  : )

Just Because

I don't know why, but I am very emotional today.  It could be because I haven't cried in a while, and I used to average one good cry a week.  I did get teary at church the week before last, when they were singing my song, but I couldn't let it all out, I was too close to the front.  I know I need prayer for saying this, but I don't like getting emotional in church because I don't want anybody coming by fanning me or patting me or trying to make me do a holy dance or shout........ I need prayer for saying this too but there is an extra cute usher at church; "you want me to sit here?".........But I digress, back to me needing to cry.  I am not sad, I am not angry or anything like that, I just need to release.  I guess I will listen to some sad love songs tonight to get it all out, that always helps : )  My favorite achy breaky heart songs are: I Try by Angela Bofill, Is It Still Good to You by Ashford & Simpson, and Where Will You Go by Babyface.  Then, throw some early Toni Braxton on top of that and you will be crying FOR REAL!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Update #5

"Oooooh, now I know who you are."   I don't know about ya'll but those words scare me!!!!!  What DO you know about me?  What have you heard?  Who told you?  I heard these very same lines Friday night.  Now I know how this person knows about me, but I don't know what information was shared.  Was it good or bad?  Was it the truth?  Was it just general information and finally now a face to the name?  The latter is the most logical case, but you always wonder.

I actually have no update this week.  Haven't done much to tackle my list, you know what I'm lying...yes I have.  I have tried out some new recipes.  Philadelphia, the cream cheese people, have this new cooking cream that you can throw on some meat and vegetables and VOILA!  instant meal.  Here is the catch, be careful with the ratio....a little cream actually goes a long way.  I also finished another book and have started 2 others.  I have ordered 3 new books as well, so I think I am on my way!

I am really sleepy right now.  Really sleepy.  I worked out at lunch and that didn't go so well.  I felt flustered and rushed trying to get back to the office, and my hair looks a hot mess.  Not that I care about my hair looking a hot mess at work, but I have to be somewhere right after work today.  I'm going to try agian tomorrow and see what I can make happen.  wow, i just closed my eyes for a minute......that felt good.  They might be looking for me at the end of the day.  I might just sneak out.....

Anyway, on to sports.  So glad the Hornets are giving the Lakers a run for the money.  Wouldn't it be awesome if LA was eliminated first round?  I wonder who Carolina is going to take in draft?  Where does Ray Allen's mama get her bedazzled jerseys made?

Speaking of mamas, have ya'll seem Mama Jones?  Jim Jones' mama.......high comedy!!!  I put her, Frankie, LeBron's mama, and Toya's mama on the ballot for most entertaining.

Ok, my eyelids are closing on me now and if I don't take a "smoke break" soon, I will pass out on this desk.  Will give a more comprehensive updater soon :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Update #4

Ok, ok, ok……..I know, it has been a LONG time.  Wasn’t I supposed to be blogging weekly?  Whatever happened to that?  Trust me, it is not because of lack of activity……so much to catch up on.  But I can sum it up in a few simple phrases…..God has truly blessed me with wonderful people in my life  J   I have terrific  friends and am so thankful for their support, company, prayers and love. 
Here’s just a few of the events that have passed - CIAA 2011,Asheville Girl’s Trip, half marathon relay, Prince concert, karaoke & pool at Midtown Sundries,  Bobcats vs. Magic bball game
Because I wouldn’t be able to do the stories justice, I will just mention some random highlights, quotes, and lessons learned from these past 2 months from some great girlfriends and a couple of cool dudes  J
1.       You can run a mile with a broke leg.  This may come in handy as you are planning your escape route from a 3 story cabin.  Just be sure to warn the others
2.       Sometimes taking the road less traveled is not a good idea (especially if you drive a Ford Fusion and that road is red clay with SERIOUS dents and its dark in the woods……)
3.       Invest in yourself…….(a)get some real business cards made;  I’m really not going to believe you work for the IRS if you have a business card that looks like a paper coupon.  (b)get your speakers together! dj, the music you’re playing may be great, but your equipment is horrible 
4.       Johnny Gill and Eddie Murphy have been buddies since Eddie’s “Put your Mouth on Me” video.   You know this because Johnny is in the background playing a guitar, when have you ever seen Johnny Gill playing a guitar?
5.       Not everyone needs to work in customer service/hospitality…..if there have been 2 fights over a bucket of beer in the last 2 weeks, the common denominator is YOU
6.       Be very afraid of grown men who still play fight/slap box………especially if that ish goes on for 15 mins
7.       True friends do not let friends walk uptown with no shoes on in the rain……….I’m not a good friend
8.       If the security guard follows you home from the mall, be careful
9.       I am very good at talking to people who don’t know me.  They wonder in puzzlement, where do I know her from?  You don’t.
10.   Try tackling a drag queen, see what happens

Now, onto my update…….  Let’s see, I have run 2 5ks, visited my Uncle Curtis, went to Asheville – so that makes 2 trips this year, hosted a jewelry party at my house, read 5 books and went on one confirmed date.  I have also done VERY well on my exercise goals. But have fallen short on my nutritional goals.  I went and visited my fitness goal prize at the mall not too long ago, and discovered that it just doesn’t look good without the matching necklace  J  So I have to be extra committed in the upcoming months….the summer is around the corner. 
One way I have been keeping in shape is ZUMBA.  I am a helper for a ZUMBA class on Thursday evenings and have been having a BLAST!  I just ordered some ZUMBA cargos, so I will be official.  But I will be one of those people who wear the ZUMBA cargos to the grocery store and on the weekends, without even working out….SMH