Monday, May 13, 2013

Breaking Point

Hey Family : )

I know it has been a while since I have updated but nothing was really speaking to me........There was nothing that I just HAD to write about.  I was feeling a bit uninspired.  But today it hit me........a subject that has been in draft in my inbox for a while, I just didn't have a clearly laid out plan on how to write about it.  That subject is: BREAKING POINT

I am usually a very happy and friendly person.....sometimes a bit to my detriment.  I can be extremely patient, don't show anger often and try to play peacemaker in tense situations.  It's just my personality.  So my friends and family are often surprised and even find it comical when I reach my "breaking point"  You know what that is: when you have run out of freaks to give.(please excuse my English)  When my patience runs out and my efforts for your well-being and feelings is non existent.  Not that I am going to do anything to purposely hurt anyone, but when I am at the point that I'm definitely not going out of my way to help nor will I be concerned if my bluntness hurts your feelings BREAKING POINT. 

I have discovered that my breaking point is pretty consistent.......that the same situations cause me angst and cause a change in my naturally jovial personality.  Wanna know what they are??  Here they go:

1) Taking advantage - While I realize I have a BIG part in this aspect, I am terribly disappointed and put off when some one takes advantage of my kindness.  I say I play a big part because I know that I often put myself out there to be used.  I will be the first to sign up to help, offer $$, pay for meals and drinks, get nice presents, etc.... But that doesn't mean that I'm supposed to or have to do these things.  And when people purposely manipulate because they KNOW I will, it just irks me.  Borrowing money with no intention to pay back, cornering me into favors, and getting attitude when I am offering voluntary service..... Don't you hate that?  YOU asked me to help you move, but get mad when I have to leave in 4hrs....or YOU owe me money, but get mad when 2 months later I politely ask you status of repayment.  SMH

2) Counting my change - I honestly don't know why this one bothers me so.....need to do some praying on it. LOL.   Let me explain what "counting my change" you're at the mall with a buddy and you see some fabulous shoes that you MUST have.  Your buddy mentions not once, not twice, but several times that she would not buy those shoes because they're too expensive.  So ok, that's fine.  But she continuously brings it up at other occasions as well.  For example, "well you bought those shoes I know you can afford to loan me $20" or "you bought those shoes so I know you can go with me to this restaurant" etc..... Or, some one notices you carrying a designer handbag and incessantly comments how they would NEVER spend that kind of money on something like that. Basically, because you have expendable income to do one thing, you can and SHOULD have expendable income to do other things that are more important in their eyes.  OR, you are foolishly spending your money.  People, do NOT count my change.  Everyone spends their money in different ways and as long as I am not asking you to support my habit, I don't want to hear a surplus of comments....ok?  LOL!  But seriously, so if you buy a couple of carton of cigarettes and case of beer a week and I buy a handbag for the year, I'M foolishly spending money??  People spend their money on what they want to spend it on.  Some people play lotto, some gamble, some cars, some motorcycles and the list goes on and on.....I think we would all be better off if we just concentrated on our own finances and well-being.  And furthermore, not everyone has the same expenses so the budget for luxury items will be different for everyone.  IJS

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