Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Random Thoughts........

1. Healthy is the new sexy
2. I used to be an EXCELLENT budgeter.....could work $650 a month like it was my JOB!!!  but then I got I am going to force myself to take out in cash my budget for food, groceries, and clothes for the month....once I spend that envelope, its gone.  Gotta get back to budgeting beast mode : )
3. I can't curl my hair....never really did it, so never really learned.  Now I am teaching myself b/c after I work out my hair is SOAKED.  I have to dry and curl and wrap all over again
4.  Ever since I turned 30 I sweat...I mean 5 minutes of cardio and I am wiping my forehead.  By the end of my zumba class, my hair/head is soaked but the rest of me is ok.....
5.  I use everyday of vacation.....and a few more!! I don't let any day go to me, they wouldn't give me more than I deserved so I'm taking them all
6. I can't believe I am reading this "hood" series about "Wifey" anyone else as sucked in as I am??  I refuse to buy book 4 until next month, not going over my Netflix/Itunes/books budget
7. kinda wants to put herself on that show "what do you look like naked?"  or something like that.......I need a crash course
8. I am always hungry....i think i have a tapeworm
9.  I REALLY need to clean my house before my mother comes to visit next month.....don't want to hear all the complaining/advice
10.  spends a grip on Bo's daycare/boarding.....they always hit me up for the playcare.....

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