Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome to MIAMI!!!

I have just returned from my annual girl's trip.  This year we took our talents to South Beach and had a BLAST in Miami : )  There are a lot of cute areas in South Beach.  I really enjoyed Espionola Way and Lincoln Rd the most.  They were full of shops and restaurants with beautifully decorated gardens and tons of outside seating.  I have no idea what the "club scene" in Miami is because there were too many lines, LOL!  we ended up in lobbies of posh and bustling hotels to enjoy our nightlife.  The spa experience was AMAZING!!!  My skin felt baby soft after my massage and salt scrub.  I should start doing start scrubs at home weekly......wonder how much of a mess I would make?????   I had the BEST white sangria ever at this spot on Ocean Blvd. YUMMY :) I also saw one of the most disturbing things in my life, but I can't mention it here.  I shudder to even think about it.

So after all this food and fun, I am sure my 1% down is now negative.  LOL!  I can't win for losing.  But I am not giving up.  I will go back to eating sensibly and increase my cardio.  I will get 3% body fat off of me,  I will get 3% body fat off of me.

My calendar is filling up FAST!  August and October are booked solid.....and most of it is in Charlotte.  Between Junior League, AKA, and NBMBA I am booked with meetings, conferences and retreats.  I need to find a way to export my Outlook calendar to my iPhone so I will always be up to date.  Is this possible??  Does any one know how to do it???  Please and Thanks!

My fade is growing out fast.  It has quickly become some sort of fro.  I am really enjoying this journey.  I have a new look everyday it seems.  And I never noticed how much I like my neck.  I know its a weird body part to admire, but its long without being giraffe like.  Who knew??  Its funny too, a male friend of mine mentioned that I probably wouldn't get much play/attention from men because guys liked longer hair.......I found it interesting because my hair hasn't been long since I was a teenager.  But if he was referring to my usual length, I wasn't really getting any play/attention then so I haven't noticed a difference yet.  LOL

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